Social Media On A Shingle

Using Twitter, Facebook And Other Sites To Boost Your Roofing Business

G.K. Sharman, Writer
Reading Time: 4 minutes
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Your website is no longer enough. Roofing contractors who want to connect with today’s consumers need to know how to navigate the world of social media. Your customers depend on you to be there. Business research indicates that consumers are vastly more likely to trust a company that has a social media presence than one that does not — as much as 80 percent more.

Developing Your Social Skills

Your website lets you talk to customers. Social media allows them to talk to you. Now you’ve got a conversation going — about roofing materials, construction, manufacturing and a whole world of topics. People are looking to you to lead the discussion, so use it to your advantage. Post content that encourages people to interact with you and each other. Respond to questions and comments promptly. Be a real human — wish someone a happy birthday or congratulate a couple on a wedding anniversary. People will notice that you care about more than just promoting a product.

Successfully leveraging social media doesn't mean being active everywhere. Experts suggest that Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn work particularly well for roofing companies. They also had a few tips on how to use them effectively:

Post Interesting Content

Other than having an active presence, content is THE most important aspect of social media. The challenge is to keep it interesting. Experts advise trying to keep 90 percent of your posts informational and only 10 percent promotional. Don’t be afraid to branch out into topics related to roofing or interests your audience might have outside of your company.

Know The Culture

Every platform has its own flavor of communicating. On Facebook, show your followers content about your brand and industry. Like pictures? Your company may do well on Instagram, which is 100 percent photos and video clips. With Twitter, keep it short. LinkedIn is the place to share your knowledge of your industry as well as information about your company and projects.

Posting frequency varies between platforms. One to four Facebook posts a day is sufficient, while tweeting constantly is the norm.

Post A Picture — Or A Video

Images are gold on social media. Got a cool project in progress? An installation you’re proud of? Satisfied customers who want to sing your praises? Use social media to let people know. Adding a photo or video to a Facebook post grabs more eyeballs and ups the likelihood that someone will share the post.

Everything doesn’t have to be about work either. Photos and videos are ideal for highlighting your activities in the community, humanizing your company and showing the personalities of the people on your team.

Remember that photos represent your brand, so be professional. Workers, for instance, should be shown dressed appropriately and doing their jobs. Pictures of your kids are okay once in a while, but don't overdo it, and keep the margarita-soaked vacation photos on your personal page.

Learn Your Hashtags

Hashtags are how people find and track you online and share your posts with other audiences. Common hashtags for roofers include:

  • #Roofing
  • #RoofingContractors
  • #FLRoofing (or whichever state or region you want to target)
  • #Construction
  • #RoofRepair
  • #RoofConstruction
  • #Roofers
  • #AsphaltRoof
  • #ResidentialRoofing

Be Social

What’s true in life is true online: You have to get to know people. Interact with your followers. Follow other businesses, especially your peers and the big players in your industry. Share, comment and like posts and tweets by others. Respond to comments on your page and encourage your audience to interact.

Working Social Media

Sharing, commenting, liking and tweeting all help establish a presence, grow your audience and increase awareness of your brand. With a little effort, savvy roofing contractors can easily take advantage of this trend in consumer behavior.