Giving Back to Our Roots

First Logo Creator Receives Large Donation and a New Roof from Her Atlas Family

Atlas Roofing
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In celebration of Atlas' 40th anniversary, company employees came together to raise funds for the creator of the first Atlas logo, Ms. Belinda Harvey, who was a graphic design student at Meridian Community College at the time. Because her life has been a life of service to others, employees thoughtfully gave, many donating $40 for the company's 40 years, to show their appreciation for her contribution. In May, she was presented with a check that combined the grassroots raised employee donations with a generous company match totaling $37,687.50.

In addition to this financial contribution, Atlas also pledged to help protect Ms. Harvey by providing a new roof, to shelter her in her home that she has lived in for more than 40 years. That new roof was installed in November, and the Mississippi Manufacturers Association, along with Atlas employees, were on site to document this project and share the important work that our organization committed to, helping the one who helped us gain our first symbol of identity.

#GiveRoofPlay #LiveRoofPlayTogether #AtlasProtects

In case you missed it:

  • Read the original story here.
  • Watch the video from the original presentation to Ms. Harvey here.